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Rizal Bound for the Philippines

4 July 1887 Rizal passed the island of Cerdeña.

7 July 1887 In a letter he informed Fernando Canon about his trip on board the Djemnah, about the different co-passengers he had the activies he did on board.

8 July 1887 He arrived at Port Said, Egypt.

July 1887 He arrived at the Suez Canal.

21 July 1887 Rizal arrived at Colombo, Ceylon. He went ashore and bought a hat.

26 July 1887 He wrote in a postcard from the Strait of Malacca: "Greetings from the Strait of Malacca in a sea as tranquil as a mirror..."

27 July 1887 Rizal arrived at Singapore.

28 July 1887 Rizal left Singapore for Saigon.

30 July 1887 He arrived at Saigon and transferred to the S.S. Hayfong, a passenger ship.

2 August 1887 He left Saigon for Manila on board the S.S. Hayfong.

3 August 1887 He slept on deck the whole night. He must have been enjoying the magnificence of the sea illumined by the full moon.

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